Rethink Mental Illness Courses

Rethink provide Mental Health training for professionals and organisations in Camden and Islington as well as for individuals living, working, volunteering or studying in the boroughs.

The courses include:

  • Mental Health First Aid - a FREE course:  a two day course where you will learn to recognise early signs of mental health problems and gain practical skills to support someone
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid - a course focusing on supporting young people aged 8-18
  • Mental Health Awareness - this one day course will give you the knowledge, skills and tools to increase your confidence in effectively responding to and supporting others experiencing mental ill health as well as looking after your own mental health and wellbeing
  • Mental Health in the Workplace for Managers - a one day course to help you to increase your confidence in managing mental health in the workplace

NEW!  Camden and Islington boroughs are now funding FREE training for employees, or people volunteering or studying in the boroughs.  This can be provided for individuals or for workplace groups (of at least 20 people).  Courses available are:  Youth or Adult Mental Health First Aid; Mental Health Awareness; Mental Health in the Workplace for Managers.

Please email for more information and to book courses.