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Mindful conversations around race (2 sessions)

This course is an opportunity to engage in mindful conversations about the feelings and thoughts which arise when faced with talking about racism and inequality. It is designed as a safe space, open to everyone regardless of race, culture or ethnicity. As well as acknowledging and sharing feelings, we will explore how compassion for self and others and mindfulness practises
may be helpful in offering some support, clarity and a path towards positive change. Through mindfulness-based experiential exercises and reflections, we aim to facilitate deepening our understanding of how race and racism may impact our lives, thinking and behaviour.
We hope to promote an ability to respond through self-care, compassion for others, and a sense of hope and  empowerment. 
To enrol or to find out more information please click here.
Event time 
Repeats every week every Thursday until Thu Oct 08 2020.