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Voice collective - Young people's voices and visions group

The group is open to young people (aged 16-25) who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory experiences. It is free and open to young people no matter where they live. This peer support group is: confidential (unless your safety is at immediate risk); Open to different ways of understanding voices &visions; Optional (you can talk about whatever you feel OK with - not just voices & visions): space for you to feel heard, believed & accepted.

Mind in Camden Phoenix Wellbeing & Recovery Service

Currently open
Currently closed. Next open:

A range of coproduced activities: peer support; goal setting; counselling; individual, practical, emotional and crisis support; mindfulness groups; access to information technology; subsidised meals; special events; trips. Also includes Hearing Voices Groups.  There is also a range of workshops and social spaces available. 

What can we learn from those who have turned their psychological crisis into a positive transformative experience?

Should we pay more attention to the spiritual underpinnings of good mental health? What can indigenous cultures teach us about the positive impact that community support and peer mentorship have on mental health? What can we learn from people who have successfully navigated a psychological crisis? The film CRAZYWISE, by Kevin Tomlinson and Phil Borges, follows two young Americans who achieved exactly that.

Did you know that getting active is a great way to beat the blues and in Camden there are plenty of options that are free?

How about ‘Healthy Minds’, from Mind in Camden? Do you want to start a new fitness routine or spend more time outdoors? We can help you reach your fitness goals. There are Fitness Groups led by volunteer Sports Buddies, where you'll get fit alongside a small group of your peers; free fitness-focused events like Mindful Yoga, Outdoor Gym Sessions and GoodGym Fitness Groups; or you might be interested in ‘one-on-one’ sessions with a volunteer Sports Buddy who can help you work toward your fitness goals?

Free Programme in Talking for Wellbeing

What's the idea?
It’s important to take care of our emotional wellbeing, just as it is to take care of our bodies. One way of doing this is to connect in a truthful and empathic way with others.
Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to take care of their wellbeing and support others.
What are your next steps?
Join us ONLINE for a Taster. Then you can:
  • Join a TALK FOR HEALTH CAFE; continue talking for wellbeing and gain communication skills.
