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St Pancras Community Association

We are a community association based near Mornington Crescent Station. We offer something for all ages, including outings, classes and coffee for over 60s in their Golden Years, Stay & Play and nursery provision for pre-school children, and exercise for all ages, especially if you're not so fit and need a little boost towards getting healthy.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

ADHD refers to a group of behavioural symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. A short attention span, being easily distracted and restlessness are common symptoms. ADHD can occur in people of any intellectual ability although it is more common in people with learning difficulties. People with ADHD may also have additional problems, such as sleep and anxiety disorders.

New Horizon Youth Centre

Providing a lifeline for London's homeless and vulnerable youths, our day centre offers a free employment, education and training programme; health, fitness and wellbeing services; and a range of personal development workshops for young people. We also offer lifeskills workshops, health checks, sport and physical activity, women’s group, men’s group, family mediation, job searching and employment help (for people not currently in employment, education or training), support for substance misuse, and counselling.

Kingsgate Community Centre

Currently open
Currently closed. Next open:

Kingsgate Community Centre offers low-cost activities to people who would not otherwise be able to access them. Our programme of more than 45 activities includes health and fitness, art and dance classes, and social events.

Good mental health at work

The theme of 2018's Mental Health Awareness Week is stress, and how to reduce it. Maybe you need a helping hand managing your mental health at work – or perhaps it is your job to take care of staff? Read on for details of organisations who can help - some of them local to Camden.

Camden Green Gym

As expected and regretfully, our normal Camden Green Gym volunteering opportunities for health, wellbeing and conservation have had to be suspended! To keep in mind for post corona virus times: New volunteer referrals will be welcome once the social isolation period ends!
